Heal Non-Union Fractures
Without Surgery
Non-union fractures happen when your bones aren’t able to heal on their own after breaking. This can happen for a couple reasons, including that the blood supply around your break was destroyed when you broke your bone.
Specialized treatment is usually required, which can mean surgery or drugs…or our integrative medicine here at Eternity that avoids both surgery and drugs!
How We Treat Non-Union Fractures At Eternity
We use highly-advanced stem cell therapy to effectively boost your body’s natural healing abilities, giving it the powerful tools it needs to put your injured area into a regenerative state.
This is guided by advanced medical diagnostics to determine exactly where your break is, and WHY the break isn’t healing. Once we know that, we’ll use complementary medicine to further improve healing and speed the entire process up!
Our combination of regenerative and complementary medicine includes:
- Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) which will accelerate healing in the area with poor blood supply,
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation which will strengthen the muscles, bones, and joints around the break site,
- Medical acupuncture and massage to relax tight and painful muscles while increasing blood flow,
- And more to get you moving pain-free again!
- Treat Your Non-Union Fracture With Eternity
Our highly-trained team is dedicated to walking with you through your entire recovery plan. We’ll provide you with a customized plan of recovery that meets your goals and needs, starting with your very first consultation with us! We look forward to exploring how Eternity can help you in your recovery journey!
What We Do Here At Eternity?
At Eternity, we are most well-known for our integrated approach to healing. We combine western medicine, eastern medicine, and modern medicine approaches to ensure the highest patient outcomes possible, delivering the highest chance of healing and recovery.
Our bodies are capable of healing and regenerating themselves if we provide them with the right opportunity to do so.
This is what our non-surgical solutions are all about, creating an environment for the body to heal itself and avoid drugs and surgery.
Let’s Talk Today
Get in touch with us today to take hold of your life in a way you never have before.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a non-union fracture?
non-union fracture is what a break that doesn’t heal is called. Sometimes the bones don’t fuse back together on their own, and your body needs extra help – that’s where we come in!
How is a non-union fracture treated?
They can be treated in a number of ways, often through surgery and casting. However, we understand that the body has very powerful healing abilities, and sometimes just needs to be given the right opportunity to take care of the problem itself. That’s why we at Eternity avoid surgery and drugs, rather focusing on boosting this healing ability to take care of the root of the problem.
What happens when a non-union fracture remains untreated?
You’ll likely have pain, decreased range of motion, and poor function. This will affect your day-to-day life and stop you from enjoying your favorite activities to the fullest – don’t wait on treating your non-union fracture and let us help you today!
Why Work With Us?
Our team at Eternity Health Partners is focused on providing exceptional care and guidance to our clients. Our team works with clients to understand their lifestyles and goals and to come up with an appropriate anti-aging approach.