Low Dose Naltrexone For Weight Loss In California
Emotional eating and uncontrollable snacking can lead to huge weight gains and prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals. If you find that you’re prone to emotional eating or unable to resist snacking, consider using low dose naltrexone for weight loss. In conjunction with support from one of our professional weight loss coaches, low dose naltrexone will help keep you on track as you reach your target weight.
What is Naltrexone
Naltrexone was first synthesized by Drs. Jack Fischman and Mozez Lewenstein at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research in 1961. Naltrexone is an opioid receptor antagonist, originally used to treat opiate and alcohol addiction.
When taken in smaller doses, low dose naltrexone has been shown to lessen the effects of a variety of diseases and help modulate and reduce appetite.
Patients use low dose Naltrexone today to reduce binge eating episodes, normalize appetite, and lose stubborn fat quickly.
How Does Low Dose Naltrexone Work?
The FDA approved weight loss medication naltrexone HCL to treat overweight and obese patients. Low dose Naltrexone works to suppress your appetite.
Combination weight loss medications like these may improve your mood and suppress your sugar and carb cravings to stop overeating once and for all.
Take low dose naltrexone to:
Regulate appetite: Naltrexone helps normalize your metabolism, matching your appetite to resting energy expenditures.
Reduce insulin resistance: Naltrexone modulates cellular resistance to insulin, which may lead to weight loss.
Improve sleep: Lack of sleep has negative effects on your body’s hormonal system, which can lead to weight gain. Naltrexone combats this unhealthy cycle.
Improve mood: Combination LDN weight loss medications trigger an increase in serotonin and dopamine production, which decreases anxiety and stress and reduces emotional eating.
Does Naltrexone Work for Weight Loss?
While results vary from person to person, low dose naltrexone makes losing weight easier for those who are prone to overeating and/or have insulin resistance.
When used in combination with a healthy diet and moderate exercise routine, low dose Naltrexone will yield great results.
Get Naltrexone Today
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Eternity Health Partners helps men and women reclaim lost energy and vigor, sharpen thinking, improve memory, decrease body fat