What Do Fatigue, Bloating, Anxiety, & Joint Pain Have in Common?
Unveiling the Hidden Culprit: Understanding Inflammation and How to Tame It
Best Women’s Skincare Routine For Women Over 40
People always ask me what I do for my skin. It’s always a work in progress, but I want to share my current routine and thoughts on each item.
Custom Compounded vs Commercially avail GLP1
The Rise of Custom Compounded GLP1 Medications: A Breakthrough in Personalized Treatment.
The Truth About Hormones
There’s a lot of information out there about hormones. Like any complex subject, it can be tough to figure out what’s correct, and what isn’t. After reading this short article, you’ll be better informed about the history of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), when and why things got confusing, and what to look for when choosing the program that’s right for you.
Eternity Health Pillar One: Optimal Sleep
When it comes to our health, it’s all about getting back to the basics. First things first, you must create an environment that will allow the body to heal. These basic measures are what we call the Pillars of Health at AMI. They are simple methods to implement into everyday life that go hand in hand to optimize your health. We want to share all four pillars with you these coming weeks but let’s dive into the first pillar, Achieving Optimal Sleep.
Eternity Health Pillar Two: Exercise
We all know that exercise is essential to emotional and physical well-being. We are inundated with messages: Just Do It, No Pain No Gain, Never Give Up, Make It Happen! Medical research confirms that movement is “Too Legit To Quit.” Yet every year millions of Americans make fitness New Year’s resolutions and then promptly do just that, quit.
Eternity Health Pillar Three: Stress Management
We are so excited to be sharing with you our third Pillar of Health, stress management. These stress management methods tend to overlap with our first pillar, Optimal Sleep, because they help bring peace to the body and mind.
Eternity Health Pillar Four: Nutrition
Let’s face it, people love food. Celebrated as a cultural practice, food brings together families and communities. It is both nourishing and pleasurable and ultimately, it is highly controversial. When it comes to nutrition, it often seems that people, experts included, cannot agree on anything. While established that there is not one precise nutritional prescription that is universal law, we stand by certain truths that go beyond the cliché “you are what you eat.”
A New Understanding on Testosterone Therapy
In today’s society, there is a prevailing belief that only men over the age of 60 suffer from low testosterone. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. The symptoms of low testosterone can affect men regardless of physical condition, age or health. All men should be concerned about low testosterone, its symptoms, and what treatments are not only available, but safe.
Hormones and the Effect on Women’s Wellbeing
A woman’s natural hormones control most of her basic bodily functions. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone serve as an internal communication system between cells throughout the body. They coordinate everything from digestion and growth to appetite, immune function, mood, and libido. When hormones become out of balance, even slightly, it can have a big impact on health and well-being.
Maintaining the Lifestyle while on Summer Travel
Summertime is vacation time. How can you stay healthy and attentive to your wellness while also having fun traveling? We have some ideas.
Understanding Her Menopause for Dummies
Menopause does not play fair. Some women will sail through this transition with rarely a hot flash and others will be pummeled in every hormonal hail storm that nature can fling.
What Is Functional Medicine? – Dr. Eve Harmony
What is Functional Medicine? Dr. Eve Harmony ND shares her story
Feel and Look Younger in 60 Days
Good news, you can steal back a few youthful qualities and enhance your vibrancy. All you need is due diligence and sixty days.
Healthy Ways to Improve Sexual Performance
If you are looking to maintain or improve sexual function, you are not alone. Many men and women seek ways to enhance their sexual performance.
Semaglutide & Tirzepatide For Weight Loss
Semaglutide for weight loss compared to tirzepatide for weight loss